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Based in Gothenburg, Sweden, Rexett provides clients with innovative custom software and app development services worldwide. As a leading software development company, we excel in delivering bespoke solutions for custom software development, mobile app development, web development, web design, and SaaS application development services. We aim to empower businesses to succeed and grow in the ever-changing digital world. At Rexett, our team of skilled developers, designers, and strategists works together to create personalised, high-quality solutions that drive measurable success. With an emphasis on adaptability and scalability, we offer Monthly Subscription Plans that provide access to top-tier development expertise without hefty upfront expenses. Whether a startup or an established enterprise, we equip you with the right digital tools to fuel growth. Discover our advanced CRM and talent management software solutions or collaborate with us to transform your next innovative idea into reality. At Rexett, we’re committed to building more than just software—we create impactful digital experiences designed to deliver outstanding results.
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